Soton TV

Archiwum od 2006
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Posty: 555
Rejestracja: czw maja 24, 2007 11:04 pm
Lokalizacja: Bieszczady(UD)/ Bitterne Park

pt lip 11, 2008 3:42 pm

no rewelacja, ja odrazu wiedzialam ze tak bedzie taka intuiiiicyja :wink: pozdro dla Marcina
Semper fidelis
Zaczyna Działać
Posty: 180
Rejestracja: ndz cze 29, 2008 11:04 am

pt lip 11, 2008 3:48 pm

Dzieki siostra :)
Pochwalam. Bywaj na forum to bedziesz na bierzaco w temacie i jak sie cos bedzie dzialo to bedziesz o tym wiedzial.

Kabaret powiadasz?
"Pracuje z nudów i nudze sie w pracy :)"
Zaczyna Działać
Posty: 180
Rejestracja: ndz cze 29, 2008 11:04 am

pt lip 11, 2008 3:53 pm

To ja!!! To wlasnie bylem ja!!!
To nikt inny tylko ja poznalem pierwszy Madziule!!! :P

Baa. Nie tylko madziule :)
Byla promocja i w pakiecie bogof byla rownie fajna kolezanka :)
Pozdrawiam obie.

Dziewczyny sa swietne.
"Pracuje z nudów i nudze sie w pracy :)"
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Posty: 555
Rejestracja: czw maja 24, 2007 11:04 pm
Lokalizacja: Bieszczady(UD)/ Bitterne Park

pt lip 11, 2008 3:55 pm

:oops: :roll: chyba sie zaczerwienilam od tej promocji, tak to prawda a ja poznalam pierwszego Marcina, trzymaj dalej taki fason :wink:
Semper fidelis
Zaczyna Działać
Posty: 180
Rejestracja: ndz cze 29, 2008 11:04 am

pt lip 11, 2008 4:35 pm

gadu gadu, a czas leci....

Do wszystkich fanow:
Potrzebne mi jest tlumaczenie tekstu z filmiku na jezyk angielski ale profesjonalne.
Postanowilem dodac tlumaczenie do filmu i od teraz proponuje to robic za kazdym razem. Tak bedzie kultularnie z naszej strony.

Wszelkie osoby zainteresowane prosze o kontakt lub po prostu zamieszczenie tlumaczenia tutal.
Format tekstowy, w jednaj linii, napisy beda przesuwane o dolu lub u gory ekranu.
Nawet jak beda przerwy miedzy mowcami to piszcie dalej w tej samej linii.
I od razu prosze o nie klocenie sie kto jak przetlumaczyl oraz zachowanie formy :)

Z gory dzieki
"Pracuje z nudów i nudze sie w pracy :)"
Zaczyna Działać
Posty: 180
Rejestracja: ndz cze 29, 2008 11:04 am

ndz lip 13, 2008 1:50 am

Uwaga nadciaga tlumaczenie tekstu filmiku Polacy o Soton, ktore bede sie staral dodac do tekstu.

Dalej namawiam na pisanie propozycji i tematow programow jakie chcielibyscie ogladnac.
"Pracuje z nudów i nudze sie w pracy :)"
Zaczyna Działać
Posty: 180
Rejestracja: ndz cze 29, 2008 11:04 am

ndz lip 13, 2008 2:42 pm

Ale Wam powiem numer.

Rozgladajac sie po stronach polskich telewizji w The UK natknalem sie na i to co mnie bardzo zaskoczylo to fakt, ze ludziska sie napracowali, robia to za free, wydali kupe swoich pieniedzy a ludzie na forum besztaja ich jak cygan dziecko.
Padaja wrecz wyzwiska, bo ludzie spodziewaja sie TVN z kilku z nich osmielilo sie nawet przyznac ze wysylaja listy do TVN krytykujace ta stacje. Co to za szajz? Skad sie wzieli Ci "polacy"? (sic!)
Od samego poczatku ich tv jest zalewane falami nie tyle krytyki co drwin i smiechow...szczerze wspolczuje tworcom LMTV.

Jestem dumny z Polakow w Soton, ze my tacy niejestesmy. Podejrzewam ze do Soton przyjechala pozytywniejsza czesc RP i tu wielki uklon w strone wszystkich forumowiczow SOTLAND.PL z Ewelina26 na czele :)

Pozdrawiam wszystkich przy okazji.
"Pracuje z nudów i nudze sie w pracy :)"
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Posty: 2647
Rejestracja: śr maja 24, 2006 8:21 pm
Lokalizacja: Southampton

ndz lip 13, 2008 3:27 pm

:) my również się kłaniamy. osobiście uważam że do tej pory miałam wielkie szczęście poznawać takich wspaniałych ludzi. Pozytywnie nastawionych i bardzo ale to bardzo miłych !!! :)

[b]Będziesz pisał na temat, nie będziesz spamował, będziesz...[/b]

Zaczyna Działać
Posty: 180
Rejestracja: ndz cze 29, 2008 11:04 am

ndz lip 13, 2008 3:53 pm do dobrych ludzi lgna dobrzy ludzie :)
"Pracuje z nudów i nudze sie w pracy :)"
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Posty: 555
Rejestracja: czw maja 24, 2007 11:04 pm
Lokalizacja: Bieszczady(UD)/ Bitterne Park

pn lip 14, 2008 2:37 pm

zgadza sie....
P.s mialam Marcin problem z przekazaniem Ci tlumaczenia wiec tu je umieszczam:

... what was i supposed to say ?

Ladies and gentlemans, I'm introducing Marcin...(forgets what he meant to say)

I don't have a punchline... I forgot my punchline...

We've shown our faces so we would not appear anonymous...(mispronounces)

Ok...(starts, but... changes mind)

It won't be easy.

1..2..3... testing

Welcome, My name is Marcin 'Soton' Sotoński, and this is Runfoks
We are at the Southampton City Centre, we can see the Bargate in front of us...

We would like to find out what polish people think about the creation of our community TV Soton
right here at the south of England
You're about to see the results...

Half an hour later...

Dear viewers, we are about to close our TV, it ocurs that there is no poles in Soton

Two hours later...

You won't believe this, we're here for 2 hours now, and there's no poles here. No Polish people ins soton, 27 thousand Polish people went away when they saw a camera. Great.

Finally... the moment has come...

I'll start again. We are cooperating with and there is a considerable amount of people trying to create a polish local TV, informing about things happening in Southampton, what do you think about it ?

I think it is a good idea, there is quite a lot of us here...

Well there is about 27 thousand poles here...

I didn't know...Quite a good idea... I think it would be useful... There are already institutions providing help for us, which is a result of us being here... A good idea.

Lots of people think the same, we have not found anybody thinking differently. It is a good idea, there is only a few papers and not much media coverage supplying these type of information to us, and the demand is huge.

Definitely, all polish communities around the world, you can see ideas like this one being created. I wish you all the best.

Would you like to say hello to somebody ?

Well, I'd like to say hello to everybody who know me. I wish good luck.

Thank you.

I think it's a good idea, because a lot of polish people dont know the language good enough to understand english tv.

I think it's all right as well. Actually I've got an english tv for 2 years now, and i barely watch it.

There's many people here that dont know anything what's happening here.

So you approve that idea?

Yes, very good idea.

Tell your friends about, Now you can say hello to somebody.

We'd like to say hello to people from Katowice, and the district where I'm coming from, my whole family, and the family of my lovely girlfriend, and especially the whole Poland and my beautifull Katowice.

I'm just joining in with sending regards to my family.

Could do, there's many polish people ins Southampton, that actually do not know what is going on around. I'm sure it would be useful.

Do you think people would be interested in that ?

I think so, although many polish people bring in polish satellite, because there is nothing to watch in the evenings if you dont know english. But it would be good if there was a polish program on english tv.

we dont know yet what form will it take, whether it would be broadcasted on the internet or on an english channel, but it will definitely be free.

Well, it would be nice to hear polish language in english tv.

I'm sure it would. Would you like to say hello to somebody ?

All polish people.

Thank you.

Hi, are you polish? May we record? Great

From what I know, there are polish shops, which is cool, so there could also be a polish tv.

Have you got access to the internet ?

Yes, we've got the internet and the polish dish as well, so it's like back in Poland.

A group of people on website had decided to make a polish tv locally, probbably starting from broadcasting on the internet, providing informations in polish for the polish people, which, let's say, know english poorly. What do you think of a local polish tv showinh news from southampton?

I think it is a good idea, what else can i say, a good idea.

OK, I'm happy, thank you for these few words.

At least something will start happenig, there was nothing for all these years.

There is a few polish people here, isn't it?

Yes, a few.

Would you like to say hello to somebody ?

Well I've got many friends here... all my friends then.

We are saying hello to everybody from the whole long list of friends then.

What do you think about creating a small local internet tv?

That there is a lack of things like that in Southampton, we could hear some interesting news. I think you would be helpful for people looking for work. I think generally speaking we miss a polish local radio or a tv in Southampton.

Well it will be a joint operation, not only you and us, but everyone that will find time can add something to that idea. What do you think of it ?

You could help us a lot with it.

It is a great idea and I'm very surprised by your commitment, I was not expecting something like that to happen in Southampton. I'm genuinely supporting you.

To be truthfull I'm going back to Poland in a weeks time, because it is difficult in England... I was working on a construction site recently and there is a recession, in Poland it is getting better and better , so I think many of us will come back. Many will stay for a few years.

How about you?

I'm about to stay here as long as possible, so far it is all right so we'll see, and if there's also going to be a polish tv or a radio, then it is even better.

That's our goal.

That would be it.

I support you.

Many thanks.
Semper fidelis
Zaczyna Działać
Posty: 123
Rejestracja: pn mar 10, 2008 2:05 pm

pn lip 14, 2008 4:29 pm

Ostatnio zmieniony pn sie 04, 2008 12:38 am przez runfox, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
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Posty: 555
Rejestracja: czw maja 24, 2007 11:04 pm
Lokalizacja: Bieszczady(UD)/ Bitterne Park

pn lip 14, 2008 4:32 pm

no musze przyznac ze ja tu tylko zaczelam reszte zrobil moj facet :?
Semper fidelis
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Zaczyna Działać
Posty: 163
Rejestracja: pn cze 25, 2007 6:52 pm
Lokalizacja: Southampton, Dolny Slask

pn lip 14, 2008 5:25 pm

ojj to wygodnie masz z tym facaetem :-)
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Posty: 2647
Rejestracja: śr maja 24, 2006 8:21 pm
Lokalizacja: Southampton

pn lip 14, 2008 5:36 pm

od tego są faceci, by było z nimi wygodnie !! :lol:

[b]Będziesz pisał na temat, nie będziesz spamował, będziesz...[/b]

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Posty: 555
Rejestracja: czw maja 24, 2007 11:04 pm
Lokalizacja: Bieszczady(UD)/ Bitterne Park

pn lip 14, 2008 6:03 pm

Semper fidelis